The spread of disinformation, misinformation, and fake news has increased due to the widespread use of social media. Recently, artificial intelligence-generated disinformation and deepfake have added new threats to society. Anyone who has little technology knowledge can produce deep fake or fake content and spread it online with the help of AI tools. As a result, the risk of publishing false information in the media has increased, which has triggered the importance of fact-checking. The main objective of this study is to explore fact-checking practices and challenges in combating disinformation in Bangladesh. Using the qualitative research method and the in-depth interview, this study analyzed the data obtained from 15 senior journalists on their fact-checking practices and challenges. The result of the study suggested that media organizations are not ready yet to combat disinformation and deepfake. There is no systematic process for fact-checking within the media houses in Bangladesh. Interviewed journalists have not witnessed any serious impact of AI-generated disinformation so far due to its early-stage development. But they think, advanced technical support, standard education, training, and regulations made by government and media will be needed to combat disinformation. For example, journalists expressed that fact-checking software can help us to detect disinformation. This study identified some challenges related to fact-checking such as fund crisis, lack of skilled human resources, partisan journalism, etc. Media organizations, policymakers, and stakeholders should take action to overcome the challenges. Although the research was conducted in the context of Bangladesh, its findings would be considered as new academic knowledge in the global arena that will contribute to combat disinformation.
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Kamruzzaman, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
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Conference: ACCS2024
Stream: Media Studies
This paper is part of the ACCS2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Kamruzzaman . (2024) A Study on Fact-Checking and Challenges to Combating Disinformation While AI Is Threatening the Media in Bangladesh ISSN: 2187-4751 – The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 181-200) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2187-4751.2024.17
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2187-4751.2024.17
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