This research paper delves into Hampi's enigmatic eclipse sculptures, using a multidisciplinary approach to uncover the celestial narratives embedded in stone. The study aims to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the symbolic significance attached to these unique representations by drawing insights through archeoastronomy, art history, and cultural anthropology. Eclipses have profound significance in Hindu astrology, intricately woven into the cosmic drama, in which the nebulous elements known as Rahu and Ketu play an important role in their interpretation. Eclipses are fascinating phenomena in which celestial bodies align to cast shadows on each other. Our research sheds light on the cultural, religious, and astronomical implications of these eclipse sculptures through meticulous analysis of the iconography, alignment, and historical context, providing new insights into the spiritual worldview of the Vijayanagara Empire. The paper concludes by discussing the implications for a broader understanding of ancient cosmologies and the artistic representation of celestial events.
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Amogh R. Vaidya, TVAM Foundation, India
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Conference: PCAH2024
Stream: Religion
This paper is part of the PCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Vaidya A. (2024) Eclipse Symbolism in Hampi’s Sculptural Heritage: A Multidisciplinary Approach ISSN: 2758-0970 The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 61-73) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2758-0970.2024.6
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2758-0970.2024.6
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