The Need for Financial Education: Current Status and Future Opportunities in UAE Schools


Financial education plays a crucial role in empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions and navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape. However, the current state of financial education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) schools is lacking, necessitating the improvement and expansion of financial literacy programs. Financial literacy is the ability to understand and apply financial knowledge, skills, and attitudes to make informed decisions about money management. This research paper aims to examine the status of financial education in UAE schools and explore future opportunities for enhancing financial literacy among students. A survey of 139 students from various UAE schools was conducted to assess their level of financial literacy and gather insights into their attitudes towards money. The findings revealed that while students had a basic understanding of traditional financial products, their knowledge of newer financial products was lacking. Research recommends that UAE schools prioritize the implementation of comprehensive financial education programs that cover a wide range of financial topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt.

Author Information
Karima Almazroui, Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities, United Arab Emirates

Paper Information
Conference: PCE2024
Stream: International Education

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