Visuals in the classroom can provide support for students as they learn new vocabulary and concepts. Since vocabulary is an important component of learning for students in all academic areas, educators need to ensure that they are providing support for students. The use of visuals to teach and master vocabulary terms in various school settings has many benefits. Often visuals provide students with opportunities to review key terms and concepts independently. Educators can display posters or cards around the room for students to utilize. However, visuals can be created on smaller scales for students to keep at their desks or in folders. Physical objects can be brought into the classroom settings to help students make connections with terms. Online resources and videos also provide more real-life experiences and connections for students in regards to vocabulary terms.
With decades of experiences in the classroom setting, the presenters will share examples, ideas, and resources about how to incorporate visuals into the learning environment. Additionally, presentations will provide suggestions for how to engage families in supporting vocabulary growth at home. Specifically literacy, math, and physical educators can benefit from the content of this presentation. While the main focus is on elementary classrooms, higher education instructors can benefit from this presentation and embed the content into their own courses.
Author Information
Jill Tussey, Buena Vista University, United States
Michelle Metzger, Buena Vista University, United States
Jessy Bibler, Buena Vista University, United States
Leslie Haas, Xavier University of Louisiana, United States
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