Emerging adults are in a stage of active sexual exploration and in a process of forming their sexual identity. This study examined the sexual self-concept (SSC) of emerging adulthood and its relationship with self-esteem and life satisfaction. Methods: Measuring scales were identified for the assessment of SSC among emerging adulthood. These scales include: Positive SSC (sexual self-esteem, sexual self-efficacy, and sexual satisfaction), Negative SSC (sexual anxiety, sexual depression, and sexual fear), and situational SSC (sexual motivation and sexual consciousness). A questionnaire (with items of sociodemographic characteristics and the SSC (scales) was designed to collect data from a convenience sample of emerging adults (N = 735, 99% never married, 64% were females). Participation was voluntary and anonymous. In general, emerging adults exhibited relatively low levels of sexual motivation and sexual consciousness. They were poor in Positive SSC but were generally healthy in Negative SSC. Males scored higher on Positive SSC while females reported greater sexual fear and lower level of both sexual motivation and sexual consciousness. Relationship of SSC with self-esteem and life satisfaction was found. However, the relationship was moderated by gender difference. Significant relationships were found among males, but not obvious among females. Nonetheless, females showed higher levels of life satisfaction and their self-esteem was not lower than males. Males’ self-esteem and life satisfaction were significantly influenced by SSC which is intrapersonal. Females (who were considered to be more oriented toward interpersonal relationships) were less affected by the intrapersonal SSC.
Author Information
Hoi Nga Ng, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong
Kam Weng Boey, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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