Culturally responsive instruction is about merging educational demands and aspects of student lives. This rigor is often paramount to academic stakeholders, especially those in leadership positions within schools. Some academic leaders do understand that having successful and comprehensive culturally responsive teachers and instruction evolves from culturally responsive leadership (Gay, 2018; Muniz, 2019). While disciplinary literacy offers a range of pedagogical components, it has the potential for even greater outcomes. According to Colwell, et al. (2022), “disciplinary literacy may promote more active participation in a disciplinary culture and build skills required of engaged citizens who make political, economic, medical, and scientific decisions that directly influence and promote a more equitable society” (p. 71). Therefore, it is essential that CRL promotes disciplinary literacy practices. During this presentation, attendees can expect to be provided with an overview over both topics. Presenters will share information and resources that school leaders can utilize to guide faculty into creating mindful lessons and activities for students. Activities and materials that can be embedded into the classroom setting will also be provided. Attendees who work in leadership, higher education, or K-12 education would benefit from this presentation and the provided resources and activities.
Author Information
Leslie Haas, Xavier University of Louisiana, United States
Jill Tussey, Buena Vista University, United States
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