Academic motivation initiates, directs, and maintains behaviors regarding knowledge acquisition and achievement in learning environment. It affects not only students’ academic performance, but also their adjustment to college life and mental well-being. Based on the self-determination theory, an English version of Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) was developed by Vallerand et al. in 1992. The scale has been used cross-internationally with significant findings. This study aimed to cross-validate AMS and established its psychometric properties in Hong Kong. A total of 549 college students (mean age = 23.5 years, SD = 7.2; 69% were females) participated in the study. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. Reliability of the seven subscales of AMS were satisfactory (Cronbach’s α = .81 to .95). Composite reliability also ranged from .81 to .95. Convergent validity of AMS was indicated by its relationship with mental well-being (college liking, good peer relationship, positive academic self-concept, and global self-esteem). It is also demonstrated by its negative association with psychological distress. Discriminant validity was indicated by the HTMT ratios of less than .85 among the seven AMS subscales. Hypothesis regarding simplex structure was generally supported, providing additional evidence for the construct validity of AMS. Factorial validity of AMS was confirmed by the satisfactory goodness of fit between the 7-factor model and the observed data. To conclude, the psychometric properties of AMS were established and its cross-culturally applicability in the context of Hong Kong higher education was validated.
Author Information
Hoi Nga Ng, Saint Francis University, Hong Kong
Kam Weng Boey, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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