A consequence of the digital gap is widening inequality in access to education. At the level of the individual pupil, this can lead to exclusion, which can result in lower chances of success in education and thus lower employability in the labour market and in life. For these reasons, the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) is using The Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) to provide funding to schools for mobile digital technology to create a 'mobile library' from which schools will lend basic digital equipment to disadvantaged pupils. The RRP is a summary of the reforms and investments that the Czech Republic will implement until 2026 from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility. The intention of this step is to: 1) reduce inequalities among pupils (from kindergarten to secondary school) in access to quality education caused by the lack of technical equipment with mobile digital technologies, and 2) also equip pupils with advanced digital learning tools in the context of the revised Framework Educational Programmes and related innovations in education in the context of digitalization. This study aims to answer two research questions: What is the current state of the art in preventing the digital divide in the Czech Republic and what opportunities does MEYS offer to schools in the context of this prevention? The study is based on the method of analysis through qualitative content analysis of publicly available documents published on MEYS.
Author Information
Marie Bajnarová, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
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