The Current State and Challenges of Hungarian Music Schools: Special Educational Needs Students in the Focus


In the “country of Zoltán Kodály” music teaching, even today, is at international standards quality and instrumental education takes place in numerous institutions.
In my presentation, I would introduce the educational system of Hungarian music schools, their opportunities and difficulties. Emphasising the education of students needing special treatment. (Special educational needs, integration-, learning- and behavioural difficulty, talent.)

In the spring, I made a nation-wide questionnaire in which I asked instrumental music teachers - working in state-run institutions - about; the difficulties they face in connection with the education of special needs students, their attitudes towards self-development and further trainings. For this - Különleges bánásmódot igénylő növendékek a zeneiskolákban - hangszeres tanárok kérdőíve (Special Needs Students in Music Schools - Instrumental Music Teachers' Questionnaire) - 240 pedagogues responded. Answers came from every corner of the country. 62% of the respondents do not feel prepared educating special needs students, while 45% of them teach these students currently. 186 agree that lifelong learning is important, but 70% are not satisfied with the further trainings in the formal framework. For the question, whether they would like to join a further methodology training, 85% answered “yes”.

In light of these, my main goal is to reflect on the collected data by organising a further methodology training for music school teachers so that every child could receive appropriate musical education. I mean to present a part of all this work.

Author Information
Laura Majtényi, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Hungary

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2023
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education

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