Educational Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review


Recommendation systems were implemented as a solution to reducing the time and effort required by a user to search for information. In the development of the recommendation systems that offer the best performance, artificial intelligence algorithms are used, in combination with various recommendation approaches. However, in the educational context these systems have a different connotation since their objective It focuses on improving educational quality and not only on offering the user the option that best suits them. Educational recommendation systems (ERS) are those information systems that have been developed with the purpose of being used in an educational institution or organization with the purpose of recommending the different actors of the educational system: students, teachers, researchers or others, educational articles such as: programs, subjects or subjects, exercises, educational resources, etc. that contribute to raising educational quality. This scientific work seeks to determine what type of educational recommendation systems contribute to the educational quality of different education centers worldwide. To answer this question, the Cochrane methodology for the systematic review of ERS has been used. As a result, the recommendation systems implemented within the educational context raise the results of several educational quality indicators, including the student graduation rate and the academic performance of the students.

Author Information
Margarita Aucancela, University of Salamanca, Spain
Alfonso González Briones, University of Salamanca, Spain
Pablo Chamoso, University of Salamanca, Spain

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2023
Stream: Education / Pedagogy

This paper is part of the BCE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Aucancela M., Briones A., & Chamoso P. (2023) Educational Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 933-951)
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