When it comes to space and its physical environment, research proves that school buildings can influence both positively and negatively on teaching and student performance. This article proposes a tool for assessing the adequacy of school spaces, specifically the classroom, regarding comfort, accessibility, safety, and organization of this space in line with the institution's pedagogical proposal. It aims to present a tool that, with it, can easily verify whether the requirements of pedagogical projects are contemplated in the construction of classrooms and in the way related to human behaviour, in the face of this built environment. Regarding the methodology, this work fits into a qualitative-quantitative case study including bibliographical research to verify the state of the art of the subject addressed, as well as the relevant regulations. A questionnaire was elaborated based on the ergonomics of education to verify its harmony with the pedagogical objectives. Once the tool was built, it was applied in a classroom of a technical course on Occupational Safety, proving to satisfactorily meet its objectives.
Author Information
Patricia Carly Campos, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Carlos Campos, Fundacao Bernardo Campos, Brazil
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