Finding the required information to succeed in the organisation of everyday study life is not always easy for a student. Ontologies are an instrument to define a domain by illustrating its concepts and thereby presenting knowledge in a structured way. In this paper, our aim is to design an ontology that is suitable for the higher education environment of a German university to build a Knowledge Graph for a conversational AI. As a research context, the Ansbach University of Applied Science is used. The paper is organised into five sections. After a brief introduction in Section 1, Section 2 reviews previous work of conducted ontologies within the higher education environment, whereas Section 3 outlines the methodology for developing the ontology and presents the final result. The development procedure is thereby partly based on the ontology framework provided by Stanford University (Noy & McGuinness, 2001). The presented ontology, which delivers possible classes for the development, and transferability to other universities will then be discussed in Section 4. Finally, the conclusion and approaches for future work with ensuring a constant up-to-dateness of the classes are given in Section 5.
Author Information
Betiel Woldai, Ansbach University of Applied Science, Germany
Sudarshan Kamath Barkur, Ansbach University of Applied Science, Germany
Sophie Henne, Ansbach University of Applied Science, Germany
Sigurd Schacht, Ansbach University of Applied Science, Germany
Elena Schmid, Ansbach University of Applied Science, Germany
Paper Information
Conference: BCE2023
Stream: Higher education
This paper is part of the BCE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Woldai B., Barkur S., Henne S., Schacht S., & Schmid E. (2023) Ontology Definition for University Knowledge Graph ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 867-878) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2435-9467.2023.69
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2435-9467.2023.69
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