Slam Poetry, Voice of Identity and Resistance: Possibilities in Socioeducation


This article discusses the processes of research that sought to analyze the contribution of Slam poetry to recognizing and understanding Human Rights and to building political and emancipatory life projects for adolescents and young people in compliance with socio-educational internment measures. We carried out the research in a Socio-Educational Assistance Center for Adolescents in the State of São Paulo/Brazil; anchored in the assumptions of historical and dialectical materialism. To develop the investigation, we used action research, in which workshops were held using Poetry Slam techniques. The action research included 17 workshops, which were structured into 4 phases. To analyze the data, we used the methodological procedures of the Meaning Cores (Aguiar & Ozella 2006, 2013). Given this, this article aims to discuss the triggers of movements that occurred in the fourth phase of action research. At this stage, teenagers and young people, in possession of their original poems, constructed their performances to be presented in a great poetic event, a Soiree! In this scenario, the fourth phase proved to be significant, as the adolescents revealed their existence through their bodies and words in a unique way. This process contributed to breaking stigmas that inferiorize, marginalize and segregate these social groups, opening spaces for emancipatory movements of being.

Author Information
Débora Cristina Fonseca, UNESP–São Paulo State University, Brazil
Sueli de Fátima Caetano Coppi, UNESP–São Paulo State University, Brazil
Joyce Adam, UNESP–São Paulo State University, Brazil

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2023
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the BCE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Fonseca D., Coppi S., & Adam J. (2023) Slam Poetry, Voice of Identity and Resistance: Possibilities in Socioeducation ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 809-817)
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