Poster Narratives of the Child Victims of Marawi Siege: A Semiotic Analysis


In this research, children used poster narratives to communicate their perspectives on the Marawi Siege. A social semiotic approach was utilized to understand their emotions and thoughts. This study aimed to look into the aspect of understanding the narratives of the child victims of the Marawi Siege through their poster narratives by extracting the visual images and themes dominant in their outputs, as well as binding the relationship of these visual images and themes to the experiences of the child victims on Marawi Siege. The collection of data was limited to the two temporary shelters in Marawi: Boganga and Rorogagus. The researcher collected 40 poster narratives from the different temporary shelters in Marawi City, and the recurrent visual images were those of Social Actors, Shattered Place, Battle Aircraft and Weapons. The child-respondents included significant minute details in illustrating the social actors such as tears, sad and scared expressions, color and position, and at times, supported these emotions with texts which served as anchorage. Moreover, the researcher identified several themes in the visual images, including war, faith and hope, now and then, and melancholy and diaspora or migration. From these findings, it could be drawn that a careful study of the shapes, strokes, colors, position, number and size of the images was of paramount significance to better understand the data output of the children-respondents. The posters are not meaningless forms or shapes. They convey materials or images from the deeper recesses of the minds or psyches of the respondents.

Author Information
Alaminah Abdussalam, Mindanao State University, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KAMC2023
Stream: Language and Cultural Studies

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon