Enhancing Adult Learner Interactions in Asynchronous Online Discussions: Exploring the Use of Video Timeline-Anchored Comment Tool (VTC)


This study presents research using Video Timeline-Anchored Comment (VTC) to increase learners’ interactions for asynchronous online discussions. This innovative human-computer interaction tool allows learners to watch video-based lectures while commenting on the content and peers’ thoughts or asking questions. Using Moore’s three types of interaction framework (i.e., student-content, student-student, and student-instructor), this qualitative study examines the use of the VTC tool to discuss video-based lectures in an asynchronous online course to discover learners’ interactions with the content, peers, and their instructor. A total of 24 instructional videos were presented through Canvas Studio—the learning management system that offers the VTC function. Data on learners’ perspectives were collected through an end-of-semester survey adapted from Brookfield’s Critical Incident Questionnaire, which yielded responses from 23 out of 30 enrolled students. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify key themes and insights from the learners’ feedback. Data analysis reveals four major themes regarding their experiences using the VTC tool: 1) Developing a sense of real-time interaction, 2) Increasing interaction and engagement, 3) Preventing monotony and becoming more attentive and concentrated, and 4) Improving understanding of content. The findings indicate that the VTC tool can motivate asynchronous online learners to interact actively with the instructor and peers and increase their cognitive presence. This tool could also create a real-time connection between online lectures and offline social networks in an asynchronous learning environment. Our study indicates that incorporating this new tool in an online learning environment could enhance and sustain adult learners’ interactions, thus promoting active learning.

Author Information
Xi Lin, East Carolina University, United States
Qi Sun, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2023
Stream: Adult

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon