ProctorBox: The Open-Source Operative System Designed to Guarantee the Integrity & Security of Online Assessments


Computerized proctoring systems play an essential role in protecting the integrity and security of assessments in several modes of instruction, such as online learning. The most recent literature focuses on adding features that may impede the student from committing academic dishonesty and fraud by combining several elements that may protect the integrity of the remote assessment. The majority of the features we can explore in contemporary literature are the detection of mobile devices, eye movement tracking, extracting verbal communication to text, and other complex solutions involving pre-trained models to improve the efficiency of detecting objects. However, there needs to be an initiative to solve the issue of academic dishonesty in proctoring systems. Protecting the integrity and security of online assessments is possible by providing the student with a robust combination of security measures embedded into an operative system. Therefore, we present ProctorBox, the open-source platform explicitly engineered to protect the integrity and security of an online assessment. We implement state-of-the-art security by hardening the system with essential concepts that work as a synergetic mechanism to impede fraud and academic dishonesty. First, we obtain the image of an open-source system to eliminate licensing issues and the cost of the computerized proctoring system. Then, we establish a baseline image of the system by removing all the unnecessary components that may aid in committing dishonesty. Moreover, we secure the guest account from executing third-party applications and handle internet browser security by building a Chromium extension to safeguard the integrity of the online assessment.

Author Information
Roberto D. Solis, Sam Houston State University, United States
Narasimha Shashidhar, Sam Houston State University, United States
Cihan Varol, Sam Houston State University, United States
Amar Rasheed, Sam Houston State University, United States

Paper Information
Conference: IICE2024
Stream: Assessment Theories & Methodologies

This paper is part of the IICE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Solis R., Shashidhar N., Varol C., & Rasheed A. (2024) ProctorBox: The Open-Source Operative System Designed to Guarantee the Integrity & Security of Online Assessments ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 45-62)
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