Simulation or Fake: Will Extended Reality Provide a More Vivid Learning Experience?


Extended Reality (XR), encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), is a unifying term for technologies ranging from fully real to entirely virtual environments. It's known for its potential to offer immersive and realistic learning experiences. EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition, published by the US professional organization, mentioned extended reality three times as one of six technologies and practices that will influence the future development of higher education from 2020 to 2023. However, the quality of current systems for the application of XR in education varies; the effectiveness of the application is still somewhat controversial and needs in-depth discussion due to the limitations of the application equipment and other reasons. This research aims to explore the effectiveness of extended reality in education, in particular, whether extended reality can provide a more realistic and immersive learning experience. This study adopts a combination of literature review and case study analysis. Through a comprehensive survey of relevant literature, it analyses the definition, characteristics and application scenarios of extended reality technology and combines actual cases of XR in training to explore the effects and applications of XR in education. The study indicates that extended reality can provide a more realistic and immersive learning experience, especially when the system is highly interactive or with a virtual learning environment, which can enhance the sense of realistic and experiential learning.

Author Information
Xiangyu Dong, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2023
Stream: Design

This paper is part of the ECE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Dong X. (2023) Simulation or Fake: Will Extended Reality Provide a More Vivid Learning Experience? ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings
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