School’s Project: Multiple Case Studies in Four Primary Schools


The concept of quality burst into the school world in the 1990s with the interlinked ideas of innovation and educational improvement. From then on, schools have increasingly felt invested by an urgent and pervasive demand for quality: a cultural challenge involving the entire community. A process that culminated in the 2030 Agenda (UN, 2015) Goal 4. Aware of this, we must turn our gaze to the construction of a vision of tomorrow's school that can consider the fundamental elements on which today's school rests, including its cracks. The main objective of this research is to identify perspectives and guidelines for action to reform Italian school policies from an international perspective. The research has involved a three-stage design. In the first phase, four participant case studies were carried out involving children, teachers, school leaders, and families from four primary schools around the world. The four schools are based in Italy, the Russian Federation, Ghana, and Sierra Leone, countries with different socio-economical development (World Bank, 2021). Based on the dimensions that emerged from the analysis of the data collected in the first phase has been constructed a questionnaire aiming at investigating the opinions on school quality of Italian primary school teachers and heads of school. Finally, during phase three, the results obtained in the previous steps of the research had been compared with the 2030 Agenda, defining reasonings on the possible theories that the school of tomorrow is called upon to follow to improve the quality of education.

Author Information
Anna Chiara Angela Mastropasqua, University of Padova, Italy
Emilia Restiglian, University of Padova, Italy

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2023
Stream: Education

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