Passion-Based Learning Under COVID-19: Students’ Perceptions for Implementation, Engagement and Passion in a Hong Kong Primary School


Passion-based learning (PBL), an education mindset to unleash students’ potentials, is considered an innovative approach coherent to Education 3.0 as learning is mainly driven by learners. The existing studies, however, have neither drawn conclusive results towards the effectiveness of PBL, nor contextualized in Hong Kong primary school under COVID-19. The aims of this research with mixed-methods design are to explore students’ perceptions towards the implementation of PBL, engagement level and passion scale of PBL. Three-phase PBL, namely Passion Discovery, Passion Pursuit and Passion Sharing, was first implemented in a class of total 14 primary 5 students. Semi-structured individual interviews involving 6 Hong Kong primary school learners were conducted. Questionnaires comprised of 10-item implementation, 17-item academic engagement and 14-item passion scale were administered to all participants. Two triangulation research methods have been adopted. Field note is made throughout the process of implementation while video analysis is conducted upon the completion of passion project. The overall results from major research methods, interviews and surveys, indicate a positive and encouraging perceptions towards the three variables. On the other hand, field note and video analysis demonstrate consistent results for triangulation. Passion-based learning, from this research, is explored into its feasibility in a local school, and is expected to be promoted in a greater context.

Author Information
Tik David Li, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2023
Stream: Interdisciplinary

This paper is part of the ECE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Li T. (2023) Passion-Based Learning Under COVID-19: Students’ Perceptions for Implementation, Engagement and Passion in a Hong Kong Primary School ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 623-635)
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