This academic article has a purpose to study the use of words in Thai language in “viral” communication of Thai people in the present era as the collection of information on the use of words that appears on viral social media and compares the use of viral words with the use of correct words in Thai language principles as a model for using appropriate language to be able to communicate and understood in society in the future. The method used in this study was document studies, i.e. researching academic documents and searching for messages from viral social media during 2021-2022. Findings or important conclusions from the study found that the use of Thai words in “viral” communication of Thai people in the present era is the use of language without regard to accuracy, i.e. using words that do not match the meaning, using improper words, using informal or colloquial words with the correct spelling according to the context of the word. Furthermore, an unclear use of words was also found, i.e. using implied words and using slang words whereas using vague words was not found. The results of this study are useful for studying the use of Thai language and encouraging the Thai language users to be more careful to use the language correctly according to the context and linguistic conventions. In addition, this study can be used for further research studies and it is useful in teaching and learning at the higher education level.
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Thanu Thodthankhun, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Thailand
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Conference: ECLL2023
Stream: Culture and Language
This paper is part of the ECLL2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Thodthankhun T. (2023) The Use of Words in Thai Language in “Viral” Communication of Thai People in the Present Era ISSN: 2188-112X The European Conference on Language Learning 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 97-107) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-112X.2023.10
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-112X.2023.10
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