The Framing of the Semiotic Codes in Five Filipino Movie Posters


A movie poster, as an adjunct to a film, is not only a powerful instrument of mass visual advertisement, but also a mode of communication and a tool of persuasion. This article examines and analyzes, through the conceptual lenses of semiotic and framing theories, how movie posters communicate social and cultural transformations brought about by Western influence. The themes that emerged from the texts and images in the five Filipino movie posters of Star Cinema media company are the following: 1) Dominant Ideology with subthemes patriarchy or gender inequality, hierarchy in society, capitalism, colonialism or Western influence, and religion; and 2) Social Norms with subthemes sexual behavior/public display of affection, tradition, marriage rites, and family norms. The use of particular colors, text and image size, positioning of images and text, choice of symbolic objects, characters’ poses and facial expressions all add to the meaning and interpretation of the framed semiotic codes. Since the audiences perceive the world through their frames, it is in this perception that their frames construct their social reality.

Author Information
Maria Rhodora Salazar, Enderun Colleges, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KAMC2023
Stream: Visual Culture

This paper is part of the KAMC2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Salazar M. (2023) The Framing of the Semiotic Codes in Five Filipino Movie Posters ISSN: 2436-0503 – The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 35-49)
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