Assessment plays a pivotal role in the educational process despite occupying the fourth position in the educational cycle. It follows objectives, techniques, teaching aids to guide, enrich and correct teaching and learning by identifying the weaknesses to address them along with the strengths to builds on them. Furthermore, a well-purposeful exam will have a variety of assessment tools containing multi-tiered questions which not only evaluates students’ achievement, but also the overall components of the educational process. This presentation is based on a research paper experimenting using different levels of assessments at City University Ajman. The controlling group (25) is evaluated through applying multi-tiered formative assessment tools and summative exam at the end of a four-month course; while the standard group (25 students) is evaluated by having only a summative exam. The research findings demonstrate that using the formative and summative is more impactful on students’ attainment and teaching methodology as students in the controlling group got higher marks and the teaching methodology was more improved through ongoing enrichment and adaptation based on the formative assessment’s indications. Furthermore, the research analysis proves that assessment plays a positive role in the educational process since it guides teachers to improve their teaching mythology. Accordingly, when designing any course syllabus, educationalists should always consider implementing formative assessment tools along with a summative exam to direct overall educational process. Accordingly, this presentation explains the techniques of designing, phrasing and organizing questions in exams pedagogically.
Author Information
Mahmoud Sultan Nafa, City University Ajman, United Arab Emirates
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