Examining Ageism Faced by Older People in Engaging with Digitalization (A Literature Review)


The shift in global age structure has sparked debate among scholars from various disciplines, with the primary focus on ageing as an alarming risk. Ageism has arisen as a result of the media, policymakers, and many academics portraying old age as difficult rather than promoting the critical role of the elderly in society. Rosales and Svensson (2021) argue that ageism is considerably the most undistinguishable form of discrimination compared to sexism and racism as it is engrained in biases that are commonly accepted and rarely challenged in society (p. 82). Older people are increasingly excluded not only in social settings, but also in digital settings.
This paper seeks to identify the diversity of experiences and investigate the barriers related to ageism that impede the elderly from benefiting from digital technologies by reviewing existing literature. The articles prove that digital technologies are not only technical but also social issues. The system and environment have a significant impact on older people's internalization of their ages. Overall, this topic has not received much attention in digital sociology discussions, so there is still a lot of room for further investigation in specific fields, such as examining ageism experienced by older workers in the sharing economy.

Author Information
Mirna Rahmadina Gumati, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2023
Stream: Sociology

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