The Promotion of Technology-Based Analytical Problem-Solving Skills (aPSS) Based on the Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach and Through Adaptive Tutorial Feedback


The need to promote the aPSS of trainees in the technical-commercial sector results from various reasons. On the one hand, the digitalisation and automation of industrial production processes has led to increased demands on future maintenance staff. On the other hand, at the end of the dual initial training of electronics technicians for automation technology, there was a discrepancy between the curricular requirements and the actual existing competences. This results in a need for support, which is to be countered in the sub-study of the TechKom research project. The aim of the project is to investigate the influence of adaptive tutorial feedback (ATF) and cognitive modelling on the development of aPSS. ATF is understood to be information and assistance that adapts to the learning need situationally and provides only what is actually needed. Based on the need for support and the aim of the project, the following hypothesis is investigated: Trainees who only have access to the video for cognitive modelling in the "modelling" phase acquire less aPSS than trainees who receive ATF in the computer simulation while working on problems. To acquire aPSS, an automation system was digitally simulated. The trainees use the simulation of an industrial automation plant to carry out strategy-guided troubleshooting. Learning videos (CA approach) and the ATF were implemented within the digital automation system. In the further course, the first results about the influence of the adaptive-tutorial feedback will be presented.

Author Information
Stefan Christian Ferner, University of Hamburg, Germany
Christopher Andre Klupak, University of Hamburg, Germany
Felix Walker, University of Hamburg, Germany

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2023
Stream: Design

This paper is part of the ACEID2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ferner S., Klupak C., & Walker F. (2023) The Promotion of Technology-Based Analytical Problem-Solving Skills (aPSS) Based on the Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach and Through Adaptive Tutorial Feedback ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 193-205)
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