Application of Project Based Learning Methods in Distance Learning During the Pandemic


To prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the university world, one of the methods is online learning, which is carried out using a smartphone or laptop. However, in online learning, lecturers must be innovative so that learning objectives are achieved, obstacles in online learning include internet signal disturbances, sleepiness, boredom, and health problems such as the senses of sight and hearing. To reduce these effects, researchers apply project-based learning models to learning models. on line. In its application, researchers use syntax, namely a) Determining issues, b) Communicating, c) Mentoring and discussion d) Dissemination. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of the Project Based Learning model to online learning in the Mechanical Engineering Department. The results showed that 22 (69%) students were very competent in measuring workpieces using calipers and micrometers, 10 (31%) students were competent in measuring workpieces using measuring instruments and calipers, and of the 32 students all had criteria according to learning objectives. In addition, the positive impact of this learning model a) Makes students study independently, b) Eliminates boredom, c) Reduces sleepiness, d) Reduces eye and ear pain due to too long listening to smartphones and laptops e) Reducing the cost of consuming the internet, to carry out learning online using Project-based learning must be supported by learning facilities and student learning motivation.

Author Information
Soeryanto, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Suparji, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
I Wayan Susila, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Bambang Suprianto, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: SEACE2023
Stream: Educational Research

This paper is part of the SEACE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Soeryanto ., Hidayatullah R., Suparji ., Susila I., Suprianto B., & Buditjahjanto I. (2023) Application of Project Based Learning Methods in Distance Learning During the Pandemic ISSN: 2435-5240 The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 189-205)
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