Media from a long time ago often features astrology content. Following the 1930 stock market disaster, the British Tabloid published the first astrology column. Due to this, the column gained popularity and persisted (Smallwood, 2019). It has endured against all odds, from the days of print to the age of social media. Although there is disagreement about whether it is a science or not, a sizable population has ingested it. A news website editor claimed in an interview that astrology content is crucial since it garners the most attention. In light of this assertion, this study exposes the astrology-related content reading habits of final year graduation students in Udupi District. The study's objective is to learn how and in which media final-year degree students are exposed to astrological material, what options these students have, and whether the astrological content affects their decision-making. The study includes information on the astrology content sources, reader motivations, and mental satiation. Students were given a closed-ended questionnaire. The Uses and Gratification Theory is deemed suitable for this study. Astrology content here in this study referred to students’ interest in zodiac signs, sign traits, daily horoscopes, and solar and lunar zodiac signs. This study is limited to degree students in their final year, but it could be expanded in the future to include how the public perceives the subject matter of astrology.
Author Information
Ashwini Aigal, Manipal Institute of Communication, India
Shubha H.S, Manipal Institute of Communication, India
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