Human Rights, Human Capital, and Capabilities as a Normative Basis for Social Justice and Sustainable Society Development. Sub Saharan African Countries a Viewpoint


Corona Virus Diseases -19 (COVID-19) exposed high gaps of inequalities and social injustices that exists in societies. This raises questions into the adequacy of the existing human rights education frameworks to achieve the right to education to the end of achieving sustainable development and social justice in societies in general and in specific developing countries. This study submits the argument that the observed inequalities and social injustices provide evidence that the conceptualisation of education based on the human rights approach alone is insufficient to attain the rights to education and the goal behind this right. This conceptual paper thus assesses the grounds for an alternative conceptualisation that provide the right to education normative basis for achieving social justice, and sustainable development in societies. This paper begins with a discussion of the rights to education. A proposal is suggested to incorporate the human capital theory and the capabilities approach instead of discarding the human rights-based approach or leaving it to stand alone. The incorporation of the human rights, human capital, capabilities approach to the universal rights to education system will enrich the human rights-based education framework to provide a comprehensive perspective for attaining the normative basis for rights to education to promote the development of peoples’ capacities to their full potentials, creation of conditions necessary for capabilities to be realised and the rights to be exercised. Such as an integrated education approach is envisaged contribute towards building sustained development and social justices in societies. Implications for practice, policy and theory are drawn.

Author Information
Martha Matashu, North-West University, South Africa

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2022
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ECE2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Matashu M. (2022) Human Rights, Human Capital, and Capabilities as a Normative Basis for Social Justice and Sustainable Society Development. Sub Saharan African Countries a Viewpoint ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2022: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 793-802)
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