An International Digital Learning Experience: The “Reinserta” Challenge


The purpose of this presentation is to talk about the benefits of an international academic project based on a collaborative online learning (COIL) experience. In this kind of collaboration, it is important to get in touch with real businesses and organizations in order to incentivize students and offer real solutions to the academic partner. The project chosen for the students’ international learning experience, was, at the same time, oriented and supportive of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #4 "Quality Education". It incorporated a case study centered around an NGO based in Mexico called "Reinserta", devoted to developing educational and academic programs for minors living in juvenile detention centers or jails. The purpose of this international digital experience was threefold. First, the international and multicultural learning the students will receive by team working with foreign students for over 5 weeks. Second, the usage of technology and digital platforms for the students to accomplish the communication tasks and academic deliverables requested at each stage of the project. Third, to embrace the aim of an ONG supporting a social cause that most of the time is not visible, or fades away easily, for University-College students. The use of COIL in education can improve learning and immerse professors and students in a context that the business and organizations are demanding.

Author Information
Ericka Uribe Bravo, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Sandra Lizzeth Hernández-Zelaya, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2022
Stream: International Education

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Virtual Presentation

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon