Emotional Impacts of Online Purchasing Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the routine daily habits of individuals have changed. For example, remote working has become a much more common concept, pupils carried out their classes online and various socialization habits have been moved to digital platforms. In this period, a vast number of people have become digitized. This study aimed to investigate the impact of emotions on people’s buying behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Cyprus. More specifically, we investigated whether emotions affected the consumer’s decision-making process. A total of 203 participants aged between 18 to 54 participated in the study. An online survey method was utilised and the PAD scale was conducted for data collection. The results revealed that dominance had a positive impact on both pleasure and arousal. Similarly, arousal showed a significant positive impact on pleasure toward online purchasing. The positive effect of pleasure on attitudes also indicated a positive impact on future purchasing intention. In this context, positive feelings about consumption led to re-buying and positive attitudes. During purchasing, on online shopping, emotional experiences are identified as a significant factor for consumers. Thus, consumer emotions were used to create an impact on the consumer and to explain the experiences of consumption. This study pinpoints that there is a gap in the literature regarding studies based on emotion in web-based shopping using further purchasing intentions on customers.

Author Information
Çise Miş, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus

Paper Information
Conference: EuroMedia2022
Stream: Advertising

This paper is part of the EuroMedia2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Miş �. (2022) Emotional Impacts of Online Purchasing Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic ISSN: 2188-9643 The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2022: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 41-50) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-9643.2022.4
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-9643.2022.4

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