What Relationship Do Students Have With Mathematics? A Survey in Primary Schools in Martinique, France


The latest international surveys confirm that French students have a very complex relationship with mathematics and mainly, in most marginalized contexts, they have significant difficulties making progress in this area. This situation is becoming particularly alarming in overseas departments, due to the lack of adapted pedagogical infrastructures and an underperforming educational ecosystem, a legacy of the colonial period. This paper presents the results of a study conducted in Martinique, a French overseas territory located in the Caribbean, which involved nearly 250 elementary school students. The objective was to know and describe their relationship to mathematics in terms of achievement and more particularly to mental arithmetic. The results confirm that in Martinique there is a lack of interest in mathematics and that students have a lot of difficulty identifying the usefulness of mental arithmetic outside the school context.

Author Information
Manuel Garcon, University of French West Indies, Martinique
Nicar Nathanael, University of French West Indies, Martinique

Paper Information
Conference: PCE2022
Stream: Educational Research

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon