A Chronological Review on the Development of Computer-assisted Language Learning Research: Studies from 1990 to 2020


The purpose of this study is to chronologically review computer-assisted language learning (CALL) research. This review is organized in terms of time when a study was conducted. First, CALL research conducted from 1990 to 2000 (Liu, Moore, Graham & Lee, 2003) and that performed from 2000 to 2004 (Felix, 2005) are discussed. Subsequently, the review focuses on the development of CALL studies conducted since 2005 to examine the future trends of such studies. The results showed that during the 1990s, research mostly explored the effectiveness of CALL on English reading comprehension and developed computer assistive devices based on language acquisition theories. The focuses of such studies were mostly on learners’ opinions and attitudes. From 2000 to 2004, studies shifted to accentuate the effectiveness of CALL, whereas analyses simply concerned learners’ affective domain (e.g., learning motivation). Since 2005, studies concerning the effectiveness of CALL have been more comprehensive such as language performance, learning strategies, etc. In contrast to studies comparing the efficacy of computer-assisted learning and conventional classroom learning, these studies have initiated the analysis of how specific computer-assisted learning elements (e.g., online glosses and assisting animation) affect certain language skills. Learners’ and teachers’ behaviors or strategies have also been investigated, and the language used by them has also been examined. Eventually, the following interdisciplinary research has drawn much attention: digital game–based learning, feedback delivered in games, and the efficiency of language acquisition through semantic exchanges, etc. Suggestions for computer-assisted language learning research are therefore provided for future researchers.

Author Information
Chian-Wen Kao, Chihlee University of Technology, Taiwan
Si-Yi Chen, Chihlee University of Technology, Taiwan
Kai-Wei Hong, Tungnan University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2022
Stream: Educational Research

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