Best Practices for Teaching a Course on Culture for EFL Undergraduate Students in Japan and Abroad: Based on Literature Review From 2016 to 2021


This literature review examined academic papers written in Japanese and English on how courses on culture for EFL (i.e., English as a foreign language) undergraduate students in Japan and abroad were taught, and suggestions for teaching that scholars and educators have for educators and administrators. The databases used were CiNii, ERIC, and ProQuest with full text search for all databases. The researcher identified 38 relevant articles for integration in the paper, after reading through and annotating 54 papers that were not overlapping. The researcher found that academic papers available on culture instruction at the undergraduate level for EFL in Japan focused on sources outside of the classroom such as short-term study abroad programs, long-term study abroad programs, video-conferencing and interaction with students from other countries who are also learning EFL, and social network services to educate students about culture. On the other hand, culture instruction at the undergraduate level for EFL abroad focused on activities in the classroom, particularly, having students learn about culture through movies, comics, and works of literature. Implications for administrators and educators involved with or are about to be involved with designing or teaching undergraduate courses on culture in Japan or abroad particularly in EFL contexts will be discussed based on literature review.

Author Information
Gota Hayashi, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ECADE2022
Stream: Culture and Heritage

This paper is part of the ECADE2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Hayashi G. (2022) Best Practices for Teaching a Course on Culture for EFL Undergraduate Students in Japan and Abroad: Based on Literature Review From 2016 to 2021 ISSN: 2758-0989 – The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education 2022 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 39-51)
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