“Garden Blooms”: Acts of Environmental Imagination in Erlinda Alburo’s Poetry


This paper takes as its subject the concern that has occupied poets at the beginning of the twenty-first century. This is the question of how poetry represents nature especially in the period of environmental disaster. I examine this question as they come up in the analysis of the poetry of the Cebuano poet, Erlinda Alburo, and how she participates in the tradition of nature poetry in her latest publication in Sinug-ang: Bag-ong Haon (Trivet: Newly Minted). Her poetry which is rooted in ecological awareness blends respect for nature and the desire to understand the value of nature to the imagination. It will discuss the poetic representations in relation to her ecological thinking and their implications for the understanding of nature poetry.

Author Information
Hope Yu, University of San Carlos, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2022
Stream: Literary Arts Practices

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon