Relationship Between Self-Perception Towards Ageing and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults


The older adults of the 21st century are experiencing a longer lifespan. This trend is viewed as an achievement as well as a challenge to the individual older adults and society as a whole. This global ageing phenomenon comes about with physical, psychosocial, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and environmental changes. In the process, the older adults form beliefs, attitudes, feelings and perform behaviours that influence their perception towards ageing and well-being. Research into self-perception towards ageing and subjective well- being of older adults is at an advanced stage the world over. Most of the available information is found from studies conducted in the West. However, most studies done in Kenya have used younger populations as respondents, thus lack self-reporting by the older adults themselves. This causal-comparative study aimed at determining the relationship between self-perception towards ageing and subjective well-being of older adults (n=140, > 65yrs). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient. The study instrument had a reliability of ά = .65. Findings revealed a weak, negative correlation between self-perception towards ageing and subjective well-being of older adults. The findings of this study may have implications towards governmental targeted interventions, strategies and policy programs to understanding older adult’s perceptual evaluation and wellness.

Author Information
Ingaiza Kageha Emmy, Maseno University, Kenya
Disiye Margaret, Maseno University, Kenya
Omae Onderi Peter, Maseno University, Kenya

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Conference: AGen2022
Stream: Aging and Gerontology

This paper is part of the AGen2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Emmy I., Margaret D., & Peter O. (2022) Relationship Between Self-Perception Towards Ageing and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults ISSN: 2432-4183 The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2022: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 9-20)
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