The misapplication of a digital presence, academic scope, inadequate training, low interaction, and a methodology with little pedagogy suitable within a virtual learning environment such as virtual classrooms on any platform, whether Moodle, Claroline, Kornukopia, or Chamilo, Etc., lead to decrease and demerit significant learning at the time of training or study an online course or in turn to achieve a certificate with distance education and quality. This particular related to virtual learning environments causes collaterally severe damage when applying a correct methodology, while also generating a high dropout rate in this type of distance education or E-learning that is currently booming and which becomes an excellent alternative for any student who wants to break the barriers of time and space. Furthermore, This research has 1200 participants from Salesiana University, 13 language teachers, and two e-learning expert instructors, which showed the improvement in language acquisition throughout PACIE methodology.
Author Information
Lojan Zuñiga Edwin Germán, Technological Indomerica University, Ecuador
Quezada Tobar Lucila Estefania, Technological Indomerica University, Ecuador
Patiño Fernández Azucena del Rocío, Technological Indomerica University, Ecuador
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