Goal Setting in the Classroom to Promote Academic and Social-Emotional Growth


Academic growth is a common goal for educators, administrators, and parents. When educators provide opportunities for students to determine appropriate goals for themselves, students have opportunities to actively work towards the goal and take ownership over their learning. Important to note is “goal setting must include four components to best motivate students: providing them opportunities to build competence, giving them control or autonomy, cultivating interest, and altering their perceptions of their own abilities” (Usher & Kober, 2012). Setting goals in the classroom is a concept that should be modeled to the students to ensure that they understand an appropriate level of growth but also are aware of what activities are involved in achieving the goals. Goal setting can extend beyond academics and focus on social-emotional or behavioral growth connected to behaviors. As the world deals with a global pandemic, students may be returning to the classroom with a number of social-emotional or behavioral issues. By embedding goal setting in the classroom, we are allowing students to take ownership over their feelings and actions. Participants learn about the importance of goal setting, examples of how to create opportunities in the classroom, and guidance on providing support to students before and after setting goals. Whether the goals are connected to academics or social-emotional, celebrating the milestones is an important component. Examples of student and classroom celebrations will also be shared during the presentation.

Author Information
Jill Tussey, Buena Vista University, United States
Leslie Haas, Xavier University of Louisiana, United States

Paper Information
Conference: IICE2022
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education

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Virtual Presentation

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon