Blended Learning is the Future of Education


Online Learning is part of Blended learning and is a learning technique in which use of both ordinary teaching and advanced modern online teaching, online learning materials are largely used. It has been around for more than two decades however not got the approval it sought to have. It is the dissemination of e-learning module courses using internet infrastructure and sources. This study, therefore, aims to review students, teachers, professionals’ perceptions of blended online learning on various aspects of the learning process. The study seeks to answer the question as to whether there is any correlation amidst stakeholders derived independent variable and their perception with respect to the merits and demerits of online blended learning. The aim of the study is also to show how well students and business professionals accept blended learning as a new normal. The primary and secondary methodology used by conducting a survey and further analysis of the information got is applied. The data collection involves 385 education stakeholders who participated in the online survey and the results analyzed using modern PLS. Online education seems to stay for the time and in the future as per consensus through interviews and surveys conducted.
Online blended learning has been seen to optimize the maximum benefits of old teaching methods and access to online learning materials. Also, will give an opportunity to more students to access the learning and will develop professor skills in adjusting the assessment for digital.

Author Information
Shankar Subramanian Iyer, S.P. Jain School of Global Management, United Arab Emirates

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2021
Stream: Adult

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Virtual Presentation

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