Hong Kong (a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China) is promoted as Asia's international city. However, it is suggested that Hong Kong’s education policy towards the social inclusion of non-Chinese speaking students remains ambiguous. Additionally, Hong Kong's socially inclusive education policy is reported to be different from multiculturalism with Western characteristics. Therefore, evidence-based efforts are urgently needed to recommend solid education policy implications for the promotion of socially inclusive Hong Kong society. To fill this empirical lacuna, this study aims to explore the views of Chinese and non-Chinese educators', seen as key stakeholders in the society, understanding of multiculturalism in the Hong Kong context. A qualitative research design was performed. In total, we interviewed 20 ethnically Chinese and non-Chinese educators working closely with non-Chinese speaking students in diverse Hong Kong schools. Two main themes emerged relevant to Hong Kong education system as 1) main differences between multiculturalism with Western and Hong Kong characteristics, and 2) main similarities between Western- and Hong Kong-based multiculturalism. According to the findings of this study, further research and education policy implications were discussed.
Author Information
Gizem Arat, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Narine Kerelian, Independent Scholar, United States
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