Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes one of the essential courses that all students should learn regardless their disciplines. In this work, a teaching and learning pedagogy is proposed and implemented to conduct AI’s lesson in engineering course through design thinking. There is no additional course is required in the pedagogy, but the lesson is part of the existing engineering courses. The engineering courses that were involved in this work are power electronics, electrical power system, integrated circuit design, and intelligent systems, but not limited to. Lessons with AI element such as predictive maintenance, abnormality detection, design automation, as well as various machine learning techniques were introduced in the engineering courses. In this contest, machine learning techniques such as regression, clustering, classification, pattern recognition, adaptive signal processing and etc were included seamlessly in the lesson. However, it is important to preserve the learning objectives and the learning flow of the engineering courses without diverging the focus to AI, but yet introducing strong relevancies. To do this, the design thinking is used to link up the existing engineering courses’ learning objectives with the new AI content. Design thinking tools such CDIO (conceive, design, implementation, and operation) was adopted as the backbone in this work. The students found the approach is more effective than attending an AI course separately.
Author Information
Tee Hui Teo, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
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