Effects of a Mindfulness-based Intervention Program on Changes of Well-being and Hope Belief


Mindfulness plays a critical role in the mental health of humans. To date, it’s still unclear whether mindfulness-based intervention could be an effective and acceptable program to enhance wellbeing and hope belief. This study aimed to examine a mindfulness-based intervention effect on changes of well-being and hope belief. Participants were 32 adults recruited from online advertisements and social media. The employed instruments included mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for life (MBCT-L), Inventory of Well-being (IWB), Inventory of Hope belief (IHB), and reflective questionnaires. To understand the influences of the intervention effects, this study employed a pretest-posttest design. During the 2-days experimental period, the experimental group (n =16) received the mindfulness-based intervention, the control group (n=16) did not. Both groups were requested to finish the pretest and the posttest. Repeated measure analysis of variance was employed to examine the learning effects of a mindfulness-based intervention program on changes of well-being and hope belief. We used Test (pretest vs. posttest score of concerned variables) as the dependent variables, used Group (control vs. experimental) as the independent variable to examine the effects of Group on the improvement of well-being and hope belief. The findings revealed that after the six-session experimental instruction, the experimental group improved their well-being and hope belief, whereas the control group did not have such changes. These results provide an effective and valuable mindfulness-based program for enhancing well-being and hope belief.

Author Information
Yu-Shan Ting, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Lung-Hsuan Ling, Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2021
Stream: Educational Research

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon