Psychometric Properties of Chinese Translated Body Compassion Scale


According to the structure of self-concept, physical is considered as one of the elements affecting a person’s evolvement of self. In regards to the equilibrium mental benefits of self-compassion in reducing the possibility of judgmental bias involved in self-esteem, the concept of body compassion was focused. Body compassion has addressed and enlightened both the dimension of body image and self-compassion. At the same time, the stage of adolescence was considered a critical period for dealing with identity-related crises, including physical and sexual identity. Considering that the Chinese version of the Body Compassion Scale (BCS) was not available, this research aimed at translating the BCS to Chinese and examining the reliability and validity of the Chinese translated BCS among Hong Kong adolescents. The Chinese translated BCS showed adequate psychometric properties results It had a satisfying internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = .888) and test-retest reliability (r = .924). It showed good correlation with the Chinese self-compassion scale (r = 0.515), and the CFA result of the three-factor model showed an adequate goodness-of-fit, with X²(465.64)/227=2.05,p < .001, CFI=.916, TLI= .906,SRMR= .071,RMSEA= .069 [90% CI =.06 to .078]. To conclude, the Chinese translated BCS is considered as valid and reliable in examining Hong Kong adolescents’ body compassion. While further validation can be done on different populations, such as the general Chinese population, Hong Kong elderly, younger children as well as athletes.

Author Information
Ming Yu Claudia Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Paper Information
Conference: ACP2021
Stream: Mental Health

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