Recently, an interdisciplinary approach integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) teaching and learning was advocated. Such approach aims to cultivate students' abilities of cooperation, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving. National Tsing Hua University founded Tsing Hua STEAM school and proposed a four-phase STEAM teaching model, including discovering problems, define problems and solutions, proposing models and modeling the problem solutions, and transferring the problem solutions (DDMT model). The allied k-12 schools are applying the DDMT model for curriculum development and implementation. To guide the school teachers’ curriculum preparation and instruction enactment, this study tried to investigate the STEAM teaching competency required for teachers. Based on literature review and the DDMT model, an initial framework were proposed. The first dimension is selecting STEAM issue to facilitate students’ explorations into SEAM-related daily-life problems. The second and third dimensions were the implementation of the DDMT model and student-centered teaching strategies. The fourth dimension highlighted the appropriate use of instructional media and representations to support students’ understandings and applications of science and math concepts. The fifth and sixth dimensions emphasized the cooperative dialogue and sharing community and the multiple assessment approach. Experts and in-service teachers are invited to review the framework. The results support the validity and reliability of our preliminary version of STEAM teaching competency framework.
Author Information
Jui-Mei Yang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Che-Yu Ku, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Tzu-Hua Wang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
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