BioTRIZ: Subsidies for Projects in Biomimicry and Design


Biomimicry combines multiple perspectives from the biological sciences to generate creative productions through emulations of nature. In this sense, the integration of tools of such field in the design area is valuable and it would, ultimately, stimulate the transformation of the production cycles so that they can resemble the rich systems of the biosphere. Therefore, the present work aims to investigate the relevance of the applications of biomimicry tools in design, and, more specifically, the use of the BioTRIZ matrix, through a literature review. Therefore, the descriptor "BioTRIZ" was used in international databases. On the Web of Science, 6 publications were obtained in the period from 2008 to 2020. 8 works were found in Scopus between 2008 and 2020. In Google Scholar, a search for Brazilian contributions was conducted in the same period of the aforementioned repositories, totaling 4 publications.
The prevalence of BioTRIZ in projects in engineering, design and technology was evidenced. In addition, it was noted that the principles of innovation derived from biological systems tend to provide more numerous and creative contributions in terms of generating alternatives. It is also worth mentioning that BioTRIZ is more adaptable to ecological and sustainable practices compared to the TRIZ tool. Furthermore, when adopting aspects of biomimicry in their repertoire, professionals integrate natural knowledge that demonstrate potential to propagate innovative projects based on the conservation of biodiversity and that can also stimulate quality of life. It is suggested to analyze and experiment with the BioTRIZ tool in new project contexts.

Author Information
Alice Araujo Marques de Sá, University of Brasília, Brazil
Dianne Magalhães Viana, University of Brasília, Brazil

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Conference: IICSEEHawaii2021
Stream: Consumption

This paper is part of the IICSEEHawaii2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Sá A., & Viana D. (2021) BioTRIZ: Subsidies for Projects in Biomimicry and Design ISSN: 2432-8642 – The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii 2021 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 97-109)
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