University selection is always a complicated task for the aspirants from a decision making perspective. The process of developing a decision support system for this task had its challenges due to the availability of university data on various parameters of decision making. This study works on a university selector system by scrapping LinkedIn Education data of various universities and their alumni data. The final decision-making tool was hosted on the web to collect responses from potential students. The data collection on the portal was conducted twice to understand the differences of priorities in university selection pre- and post-COVID pandemic. It was found that the respondents had significant changes in their selection criteria on four parameters- Cost (went high), Ranking (went low), Presence of E-Learning mode (went high), and Student Life (went low).
Author Information
Krishnadas Nanath, Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ali Sajjad, University of Toronto, Canada
Supriya Kaitheri, Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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