Cognitive Representation of Social Identity of Collectivistically and Individualistically-oriented Primary School Students


Collectivistic and individualistic cognitive orientations are considered as a result of the influence of the factors that led to their development on the one hand, and on the other as a mechanism of their carriers'perception and understanding of the world . The ratio of the number of people with collectivistic/individualistic orientations is a distinctive feature of a particular culture. Of the 54 examined Russian children aged 9-10 years, 63.0% were identified with a collectivistic orientation, the rest - with an IO (individualistic orientation). To assess identification features a content analysis of the narrative "I am a person" was used. IO children use a significantly greater number of words in the narrative. The value is based on a greater frequency of verb forms, indications of desires and preferences. The category of еvaluation is used by 90% of the IO group, and 29.4%. in the KO group.The data are consistent with the studies on emphasizing differences in individualistic cultures and on smoothing contradictions in collectivistic ones (Nisbett, Peng, Choi, 2001). The use of components of social identity in the narratives - family, age, friends, territory - occurs approximately at the same rate in both groups (64.7% of KO, 60% of IO). Significant differences were noted in the "I am a person" identity (63.6% of KO, 36.4% of IO). Such level of ingroup requires a shaped ability to generalize in social space and can be considered as a sign of a higher level of social identity development. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-513-22010

Author Information
Alla Gudzovskaya, Institute for Research on Social Phenomena, Russia
Michael Goryachev, Institute for Research on Social Phenomena, Russia

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2020
Stream: Educational Research

This paper is part of the ACE2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Gudzovskaya A., & Goryachev M. (2021) Cognitive Representation of Social Identity of Collectivistically and Individualistically-oriented Primary School Students ISSN: 2186-5892 The Asian Conference on Education 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 171-179)
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