The Associated Factors With the Costs of Long-term Care and Medical Services for Older People in South Korea


Abstract: South Korea is facing an unprecedented demand for medical and long-term care (LTC) services for ageing individuals. We analysed the total amounts of care costs and the associated factors among elderly insurance recipients in 2017 to give some insights for improving the whole care system. Methods: The analysis of LTC Insurance and National Health insurance (NHI) data was proceeded. The regression analysis was used. Variables of interest included socioeconomic characteristics, health status, grades of LTC, and so on. Results: The total expenditures are 9,808,922 for 650, 059 elderly people in the year of 2017, ‘benefits of HNI’ occupied 86.0% of the total and ‘out of pocket money’ accounted for 14.0%. The total amounts are much higher in the LTC service than NHI service. The costs and frequency of use of care services differed significantly according to the socioeconomic characteristics, the sorts of disabilities, health status, and living status. The total expenditure decreased at the aged of 75 and women spent more money in the services. Besides, ‘disability and living alone’ make the elderly use less money in the services and the elderly who have diseases and live in the residential facilities spent more money in the services. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate which characteristics were more influential on the total expenditures on health and LTC services. We should identify and focus on some factors involved in providing services for older individuals and make some complementation for the lack of services or inadequate services.

Author Information
Hyo Young Lee, Dongseo University, South Korea
Young-ran Chin, Chungwoon University, South Korea

Paper Information
Conference: AGen2020
Stream: Aging and Gerontology

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon