The addition of character education in the 2013 special school curriculum or commonly called the K-13 curriculum, has a significant influence on learning services in special schools. Implementation of character education becomes mandatory for all students including, students with mental retardation. Some teachers have tried to implement character education with a variety of learning strategies that integrate character education with special school curriculums of 2013, but currently have not found a model or learning strategy that is considered suitable for character education of students with mental retardation. This qualitative research analyzes the cases of students with mental retardation who study in special schools in West Java Indonesia. The discussion focused on developing character education learning strategy for students with mental retardation in developing the value of independence, discipline, and responsibility. We then suggest recommendations for improvements in implementing character education at special school in Indonesia.
Author Information
Deded Koswara, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Dasim Budimansyah, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Ace Suryadi, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2019
Stream: Learning Experiences
This paper is part of the ACE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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