This study was intended to investigate organizational justice perceptions, job attitudes, and turnover intentions among healthcare workers in hospitals located in Gondar and Bahir-Dar cities, Amhara Region. One hundred ninety seven healthcare workers (187 respondents to fill the self-reported questionnaire and 10 informants for interview) participated in the study. Data were collected through self- report questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Quantitative data were analyzed through one way MANOVA, multiple regression, independent samples t-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation. Thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The results revealed that healthcare workers in public hospitals held low perceived fairness of distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justice. Healthcare workers in private hospitals had also low fairness perceptions on distributive and procedural justice whereas high perception of fairness on interpersonal and informational justice dimensions. Healthcare workers in both public and private hospitals had high turnover intention. There were significant differences in organizational justice perceptions and job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) between private and public hospital healthcare workers. Most importantly, organizational justice perceptions of healthcare workers significantly predicted their job attitudes and turnover intention. Besides, job attitudes significantly predicted turnover intention among healthcare workers. Hence, organizational justice and job attitudes of healthcare workers should be given due emphasis in designing and implementing health policies and strategies.
Author Information
Missaye Mengstie, University of Gondar, Ethiopia
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