The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in framework of the project No. 18-013-00623. The goal is to identify the psychological adaptability of employees of the offshore ice-resistant oil and gas production platform in the Caspian Sea. The study was conducted on the offshore ice-resistant platform. Y. Korchagin, the Caspian Sea (April 2019), 50 employees took part in it (shift duration - 14 days). Research methods are questionnaire, psychological and psychophysiological testing. By psychological adaptation we understand the result of psychological adaptation, which is a system of personality traits necessary for the productive performance of our leading activities. In our research we will study psychological adaptability through subjective criteria: regulatory processes, subjective control and socio-psychological adaptation. Also we study personal characteristics of workers and level of functional state as objective criteria of adaptation. Peculiarities of psychological adaptability were revealed among employees with an optimal and reduced level of functional reserves and working capacity. The differences of employees of various professional groups are revealed. Key psychological traits are identified that allow employees to effectively cope with their professional duties, while maintaining mental and physical health. For the first time, a study was conducted to identify the psychological adaptability of workers of the offshore ice-resistant oil platform in the Caspian Sea through a scientific expedition.
Author Information
Yana Korneeva, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Russia
Natalia Simonova, Moscow State University, Russia
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