Hidden Treasures: A Meaningful 3D Experience


This paper presents an experiment of pedagogy through active work in the classroom. It aims at giving students the opportunity to create bilingual pop up books through a project-based teaching method. It has been successfully carried out for five years. Pupils start developing the project in several steps throughout the year. First, they are asked to read a fantastic book based on archaeological findings. It is the inspiration for the research task and the creation of stories. Second, they do research on the most important archaeological discoveries in Colombia and around the world. Then, they have workshops with the publishing house for learning the main pop-up techniques. After that, in pair working, students create their own stories based on their archaeological research. They translate stories into French, make the pop-up books and present them to elementary kids as they teach them how to make their own mini books. The result: An innovative project set to capture little kids minds as they learn to read both Spanish and French. The authors also present their books in several settings. The best books are published. Some of them are donated and others are sold. The funds raised are intended to help public schools develop the same project. It also motivates pupils to find talents which teachers cannot always perceive in the classroom.This is an initiative which foster intercultural education making children become more sensitive and tolerant as well as to understand that reading is a powerful tool to reach a more inclusive education.

Author Information
Magdinayive del Pilar Sarmiento, Lycée Francais Louis Pasteur, Colombia

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2019
Stream: Teaching Experiences

This paper is part of the ACE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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